
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

videoQC QC In Your Browser

dt logo 1.5inchvideoQC software supports playing back a wide variety of file formats, including MXF/MP4/MOV/AVI, image sequences like DNG/EXR/TIFF/TGA, camera raw files like Cine/KRW/MLV/DNG, and even more esoteric files like AAF, IMF, DCP, AS-02, OP Atom, Raw, and JPEG-XS.  Because videoQC includes a FlowCaster component, these files can also be streamed out to your browser via BLS (Browser Live Stream), or to a WebRTC/SRT/UDP/RTP/ST-2110/CDI/NDI viewer such as VLC or NDI Studio Monitor.  videoQC also includes a REST api that allows remote control of the stream from the browser for loading, playing, pausing, seeking, and setting up your QC session.

JPEG XS in Drastic Software

dt logo 1.5inchJPEG XS (ISO/IEC 21122) is a wavelet-based image compression standard that provides high compression ratios, low latency, and high image quality. It supports multiple image resolutions and color depths in a single stream, making it well-suited for adaptive streaming. JPEG XS has been adopted as the compression in broadcast and post for both TR-07/08, SMPTE 2110-22 and IPMX.

Supported Raw Camera Formats

dt logo 1.5inchDrastic software and hardware products support a wide variety of camera raw devices, from standard files like DNG/cDNG, through esoteric files like fhgDI, to more recent formats like MLV.  This article lists the supported raw file formats, and which Drastic software they work best in.


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SMPTE2NET/SDI2NET is part of Net-X-Code Server software. These tools convert from SDI, SMPTE2110 or NDI to NDI, UDP, RTP, or SRT.  They include command line parameters that can do basic configuration for automated or remote operation.

ProRes Color Shifts In Post Production

prores chipProRes itself is very well defined, and should be completely gamma/color shift free in the YCbCr domain at 10 bits per component.  The transform to YCbCr from RGB can be specified within the compressed frame, and this same specification can be used to properly convert YCbCr to RGB.  With both 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 variants and the metadata/compatibility of the MOV container, ProRes should be an ideal format for post production.  This article explores why it often isn't.

4KScope/HDRScope Multiple Inputs

4k 1004KScope, HDRScope, and 2110Scope have the ability to use multiple inputs as individual inputs for some video capture boards (like AJA, Bluefish444, and some Blackmagic boards).  When setting it up this way, you will lose the ability to do multi cable input for dual link, QHD/4K and other modes.  Each input will be limited to one BNC.  This setup can be easily reverted when not needed.

Blackmagic DeckLink And Intensity Cards

vidhw chipSome Drastic software now supports the Blackmagic series of DeckLink and Intensity cards. Blackmagic has a wide range of current and legacy cards. This article lists the in house and third party tested Blackmagic cards and provides some useful operational tips.

DDRSetup - Net-X-Code Setup and Licensing

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ddrSetup is part of ccConvert and Net-X-Code Server software. ddrSetup is a command line tool that can do basic configurations for various Drastic software as well as command line licensing for headless servers via terminal/telnet/ssh/etc.

How To Report Issues To Drastic

dt logo 1.5inchWe are always happy to receive product ideas, new file/codec/feature requests, and bug/issue reports.  To make these reports as effective as possible, please read the following article on what we need to know to in order for us to respond to the request or issue in a timely manner.

Setting Up Watch Folder Actions

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Many of the tools in ccConvert, videoQC and Net-X-Code can be run as command line tools, as well as via REST API.  With command line tools, there are ways to set up automated processes, from interpreted languages (such as PHP and PERL), from full programming environments, and from batch files and watch folder utilities. This article describes setting up one such watch folder utility as a template for setting up your own workflows.

Exporting from videoQC

videoqc logo 3smallvideoQC Inspect and videoQC Workstation include the ability to re-wrap, convert and export all or parts of files they are playing.  This article explains how to set up profiles, set start and end points, and export to new files.

Supported Audio/Video Hardware

vidhw chipDrastic supports a wide variety of audio and video hardware for products such as 2110Scope/HDRScope/4KScope/sdiScope, videoQC, FlowCaster, and Net-X-Code Server. The current product families Drastic software supports are: AJA, Bluefish444 and Blackmagic adapters for audio/video I/O, and AMD or NVIDIA for video processing. For a more detailed list of hardware and versions, please continue reading.


Multiple MP4 Output

mediareactor logo smallMany modern productions require sending out multiple versions of shows to multiple groups.  A single in-process show will require versions to be sent for captioning, audio composition/mixing, ratings, producer proof, edit check, and QA.  To facilitate this, without using creative workstations, Net-X-Code allows you to set up to 10 targets and produce 10 watermarked/time coded/named versions of a show at one time.

Reading MXF Files

mxf chipThere are a huge variety of MXF types and directory styles.  This article goes through some of the most common types, and describes how they are used in Net-X-Code (Multi Software Server System), videoQC (HD-SDI/VGA media player, with analysis, reports, scopes and more), and MediaReactor Workstation (Adobe/Apple/Avid/SCRATCH plugins) software.

Optimizing Windows Networking

dt logo 1.5inchWhen using Drastic software on Windows, for some operations the network settings must be altered to allow for the performance necessary for the workflow. This includes Net-X-Code for UDP/RTP/RTSP streams, SMPTE 2022-6, and SMPTE 2110 streams, and any other workflow that requires high throughput from the Windows network stack.

How to License Drastic Products

lic chipDrastic's software products install and will run without a license, but will feature a number of restrictions. We are happy to provide you with a fully functional temporary license if you would like to test our software. Here are details on how to obtain a license.

Rivermax and Drastic Software

lic chip2110Scope, Net-X-Code, videoQC, and FlowCaster software support Rivermax for software based SMPTE 2110/2022 input and/or output with NVIDIA Rivermax®, ConnectX-6 and BlueField network adapters. This article outlines the appropriate driver, firmware and software setup. It also includes links to articles on optimizing your system to best make use of Rivermax as a SMPTE-2110 I/O system.

Color Space and HDR/HLG in 4KScope

4k 1004KScope, HDRScope, and 2110Scope support 8, 10, and 12 bit color in both YCbCr 4:2:2 and RGB 4:4:4 modes. Correct measurement of signals require the correct setup of the bit depth, color format, primaries and transfer mode of the signal you are measuring. This article covers the most common configurations.

Closed Caption Format Support

closed_caption_supportVarious Drastic products support closed caption decode and display.  Video I/O products such as Net-X-Code Server can capture and output closed caption information.  MediaReactor can convert closed caption formats along with the video and audio files. videoQC (Pro level and above) can decode and display both 608 and 708 captions for preview and confidence monitoring.  For some captions, default language/fonts can be set up, which are described here.

Automatic Proxy Setup

dt logo 1.5inchVersion 7 or greater Net-X-Code Server supports writing a proxy file at the same time as it writes the main file when transcoding files, capturing from IP compressed sources (NDI, RTP, UDP, RTSP, TR-01, TR-03), capturing from uncompressed IP streams (SMPTE 2022, 2110), from SDI (12G/6G/3G/1.5G), or from HDMI.  The proxy creation is available on a per channel basis, and is automatic once set up. The Net-X-Player HTML5 player can be used to play back the proxy file while it is still recording, allowing for time code accurate clipping of the proxy or main file.


Advanced Time Code Setup

tc chipDrastic products like videoQC and Net-X-Code Server support a wide variety of time code sources. The default selectable configurations will usually be the correct ones for most standard workflows.  For other workflows, the time code sources can be more finely controlled. 

Running Net-X-Code In The Cloud (AWS/GCS/VM)

dt logo 1.5inchNet-X-Code can be run on local servers, local VMs or cloud based VMs.  The VMs can be using Red Hat/CentOS, Windows, Windows Server, or even Docker.  File access methods include local file systems, network shares (smb, nfs, etc.), or cloud storage (aws s3, google cloud, https, ftp),  Any mix is allowed for both conversion, capture and scanning/proxy generation.


GPI Configuration

gpi chip(Legacy information)

Most Drastic DDR and video I/O products (like MediaNXS, DTReplay, SyncControl Pro) support a variety of GPI (General Purpose Interface) interfaces. Because of the variety of hardware and usage types, the GPI setup requires a special configuration. This document describes the setup and use of GPI devices with DrasticDDR, MediaNXS and other Drastic software.

Net-X-Code and Avid MediaCentral Setup

Avid Media Composer 6Avid MediaCentral provides a convenient method to share media and projects among a group of Media Composer stations or other Avid products.  Drastic's Net-X-Code Server supports direct communication with Avid MediaCentral servers, include checkin, direct write and edit while capture (EWC) when using the Net-X-Convert module (file to file) or Net-X-SDI (SDI/IP to file).

MediaReactor Usage Tips

mediareactor logo smallMediaReactor software integrates tightly with installed operating systems and applications.  This section has tips and tricks on getting the most out of MediaReactor Lite and/or MediaReactor Workstation.

HDR 10 Bit / 12 Bit Support For HDRScope

4k 100HDRScope supports 8, 10, and 12 bit SDI inputs.  This article maintains a list of compatible hardware for 10 and 12 bit 4:4:4 RGB signals.  Please note, if the board is not on this list, it is likely limited to 8 or 10 bit YCbCr inputs. 10 and 12 bit 4:4:4 require direct SDK access to the board, and are therefore only available on AJA, Bluefish444, Blackmagic, and specific Matrox (OEM) boards.

Advanced Hardware Keyer Usage

vidhw chipAJA video boards generally include a Mixer Keyer element.  Drastic software does not directly control the Mixer Keyer, but are designed to allow the user to use the Mixer Keyer alongside the main software.

Avid AMA Linking and Audio

Avid Media Composer 6MediaReactor Workstation and MediaReactor Lite add support for a wide variety of file formats to Avid Media Composer, including HEVC, AS-02, IMF, DNG, VRAW, CDX, YUV, and many more.  These files can include a mix of audio rates (normally 44.1, 48 or 96 kHz), and Media Composer requires some setup to allow them to be used in a standard project.  

Single/Dual Link Input Problems

io chipConnecting single and dual link inputs incorrectly can cause odd looking signals.  Here are each of the incorrect paths shown as they would be with a standard SMPTE bars input.

Setting up debug logging

dt logo 1.5inchDrastic software outputs a lot of information when running.  Working with our APIs and command line tools, having the debug logging can help sort out interface and programming issues.  Storing these logs locally, off via a syslog server, can also help sort out issues by comparing the unexpected behavior to the corresponding time in the logs.

Drastic DT3D Stereo File

dt logo 1.5inchThe Drastic DT3D stereo file is an XML based re-director file that can merge two separate 'eye' files into a stereo pair, as well as adding audio and optional closed captioning. The stereo file reader will open two video files of the same file type, and internal compression type, and an optional set of audio files, and combine them for 3D use in videoQC, DrasticDDR, Net-X-Code Server, MediaReactor and other Drastic products.

Autodesk Creative Raw Ingest

autodesk bugAutodesk's creative software, Flame/Flare/Smoke/Lustre, support MediaReactor's file import so that the wide array of Drastic supported files can be read and used directly in your projects.  Autodesk supports two modes of import:  16 bit half float and 16 bit integer.  Each has its advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed here.

RS-422 Device and Controller Hardware

rs422 chipDrastic Technologies' VTR and DDR products include the necessary conversion hardware for RS-232 (your computer's serial port) to RS-422 (broadcast VTRs and controllers).  If you are evaluating Drastic DDR software such as videoQC, you will need to set up this conversion to test the serial control capabilities of the system. 

Running Net-X-Code (no server)

dt logo 1.5inchNet-X-Code is normally run on a server, where the parts of Net-X-Code run automatically as services. For some applications, only part of Net-X-Code needs to be run, or it only needs to be run some of the time. This article explains how to set up Net-X-Code server on Windows so that its parts can be run manually.

RS-422 Splitter Cable

rs422 chipWhen working with RS-422 protocols (Sony 422, Odetics, Pioneer, VDCP, etc) it is often useful to directly monitor the incoming, return or both serial streams.  This is a cable that can be built to use two RS-422 ports to monitor one or both streams. 

Loop HLS Recording SDI/IP

dt logo 1.5inchNet-X-Code Server supports loop recording of multiple bitrate HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) streams from IP or SDI sources.  Setting this up requires configuration of the capture component and HLS adaptive bitrate settings.  This article covers the SDI and IP capture.  For the ABR setup, see


dt logo 1.5inchDrastic software can read many file formats which it does not natively understand.  Formats that have a fixed video frame size and are logically organized can be described using the industry standard HDR text file format (NOTE:  Not the still image HDR).  This page describes the file format. 

Multirate HLS and DASH Setup

dt logo 1.5inchDrastic conversion and capture software support single rate and multirate file recording and conversion.  Up to 10 different bitrate/fps/size variants are supported per multirate output.  The actual files may be TS, MP4 or DASH/Fragmented MP4 with associated MDP and HLS files for live replay of recording files, and automatic adaptation to varying connection conditions. The outputs are not set up by default, but can be added manually.

Web Server Setup for DrasticDDR

ddr chipAll Drastic server digital disk recorder (DDR) products have a built in web server for local use. If you have a VVW Series, Titan Series, ClipRecorder, or IngestGate server, or the Network Control option for QuickClip version 3.x, then you can also use this web server from any network attached machine.

NewTek® NDI Setup

NewTekNDILogoNewTek®'s NDI interface is a powerful network video transport that allows simple, high quality video and audio signals to be transported across standard TCP/IP networks.  Drastic supports NDI in most of its products, including Net-X-Code Server, videoQC, sdiScope/ndiScope, 4KScope, HDRScope, and 2110Scope.  This article contains information on setting up to view NDI streams in Drastic software.

NewTek® NDI Output From Editors

NewTekNDILogoNewTek®'s NDI interface is a powerful network video transport that allows simple, high quality video and audio signals to be transported across standard TCP/IP networks.  Drastic supports NDI in most of its products, including Net-X-Code Server, videoQC, sdiScope/ndiScope, 4KScope, HDRScope, and 2110Scope.  This article contains information on sending the output of editors to Drastic software.


howto chipThis article contains video tutorials on various Drastic Products including videoQC, 4KScope/HDRScope/2110Scope, and Net-X-Code Server.  To see all our tutorials, please visit our YouTube page.

eMAM Integration

eMam logoeMAM provides a number of integrations with Drastic products including Net-X-Code, Net-X-Convert, and Net-X-Proxy.  For most cases, the main configuration is done within eMAM itself. In the case of live capture, configuring the Drastic server to send messages to eMAM allows eMAM to detect new records, and allows the user to access them while they are still recording. This article has the details for that setup.

Sequence of Images Options (DPX, TGA, etc)

dt logo 1.5inchDrastic software supports a wide range of still image formats including TIFF, TGA, DPX, CINEON, PSD, SGI, VPB, ARI, RAW and others.  They are processed as a series of images to create a video stream.  How they are processed can be controlled by a number of configuration settings.

Net-X-Copy - Camera Card Info

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Net-X-Copy is part of the Net-X-Convert/Net-X-Proxy workstation and Net-X-Code server software. It supports, among other things, extracting clips from a native card format from cameras like P2, C300/700, RED, XDCam, AVCHD, AS-02, AS-11, GV Infinity and others. It extracts a list of clips, and then a list of elements within those clips and any camera/workflow specific metadata. This article contains the Linux/macOS/Windows command line API for this tool.  A RESTful API is available in Net-X-Code Server.

Drastic Metadata Elements

meta chipDrastic software supports a wide range of metadata elements.  These elements are stored within the actual media files when available, and also stored in a sidebar XMP file, using both the standard, and a custom DTD, with the Adobe specification.  Please see each file format's specification for its metadata.  The XMP file metadata format is outlined here.

Net-X-Copy - Metadata Extraction

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Net-X-Copy is part of the Net-X-Convert/Net-X-Proxy workstation and Net-X-Code Server software. It supports, among other things, extracting an XMP XML of the metadata in a media file or series of media files. It extracts both the basic information for each channel and any camera/workflow specific metadata. This article contains the Linux/macOS/Windows command line API for this tool.  A RESTful API is also available in Net-X-Code Server.

Supported 3D LUT Formats

lut chipDrastic software supports a range of standard 3D LUT formats.  These include the following:  3DL, MGA, M3D, TXT, CUBE, DAVLUT and LOOK. Please see the article for more information.


For more than three decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

We offer standalone software for the end user or enterprise, integrated solutions for automated workflows, and OEM tools for custom applications or branded devices.

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