
Tips, Tricks and Technical Information

Setting up debug logging

debug logDrastic software outputs a lot of information when running.  Working with our APIs and command line tools, having the debug logging can help sort out interface and programming issues.  Storing these logs locally, off via a syslog server, can also help sort out issues by comparing the unexpected behavior to the corresponding time in the logs.

Windows Logging

By default, Windows uses the DebugOuptutString interface to send debug logs.  This can be captured using the Microsoft DebugView tool:

This tool only captures the debug info when it is running, so if it is not running the debug information is not saved.  To capture the information to an on-disk log, the DDRConfig tool can be used to redirect it.  In this case it will be saved until it is deleted.  To set up on-disk logging, run DDRConfig and go to the Advanced tab.  In the XML tree, go to /VVW/Debug and change EnableLog = 1

DDRConfig DebugLogging

This will cause the debug to be save to a file specified by DefaultLogName.


Linux 64 Bit (CentOS, Ubuntu, etc)

By default, on any Linux system, all debug will be sent to the syslog.  If nothing is set up, then the log will be saved on the local system under /var/log/.  You can redirect the syslog using normal Linux syslog tools.



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For more than three decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

We offer standalone software for the end user or enterprise, integrated solutions for automated workflows, and OEM tools for custom applications or branded devices.

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