videoQC - File/IP Quality Control

robust media player for consistent deliverables

videoQC is a robust media player, with support for time code, closed captions, metadata, clipping and export, display modes and much more. Compare your media to a template or file, and perform full reference analysis. It's easy to make sure the content conforms to your specs with audio and video scopes, wide file format support, and CSV/SQLite, HTML, and PDF reports.


ossupport Windows 7 or greater, macOS 13 Ventura - macOS 14 Sonoma, CentOS/Red Hat 7.4-7.8


Media player with a range of QC tools

Display modes including False Color

Export and Watch Folder

Per pixel Data View

Audio Routing and Meters

A range of Comparison Modes

File Check Against Profile

PSNR, SSIM, and MS-SSIM Analysis

...and so much more!

videoQC can load and play a wide range of files, and provides a wealth of metadata information about the file. It supports detailed file analysis and comparison against a template.  It includes metadata extraction, comparison and templating tools, intuitive charting of audio and video metrics, a full set of audio and video waveform/vectorscope/phase tools, db and PDF reporting, file to file visual comparison, and clipping and exporting tools. Each level of videoQC is designed to fill a particular level of the Quality Control workflow, from intern to master QC operators and even back end servers. The standard database format allows seamless and instant sharing of analysis results. Hot folders allow automation, optimizing those in the QC workflow.

vqc main ui

videoQC provides a complete toolset for quality control. There are several versions of videoQC, to accommodate differing use cases.
 videoQC View provides a basic file viewer for visual QC:
  • Real time video file playback to desktop
  • Supports an unparalleled range of file formats, including everything from broadcast to post production and raw file formats
  • NTSC/PAL, HD, 2K, QHD, 4K, 8K standards
  • HDR10, ST 2084, WCG, BT 2020 support for high dynamic range/wide color gamut workflows
  • Looping, palindrome, and audio- or video- only playback modes
  • Access Local, network (NFS, SMB, etc) and web/http(s) sources
  • RMS/Peak audio meter display
  • Time code display and optional time code overlay in full screen mode
  • Display modes: Luma, R, G, B, Zebra Luma/Chroma, Clipping, Edge Difference, Focus assist, Flip/flop, False color, Luma key, Greenscreen/despill
  • Zoom, pan, and full screen display
  • Marks, lines, circles - add drawings to the scopes that will persist to compare signal levels against each other
  • Audio and video metric generation (levels, broadcast legal, sizes, types, rep, etc.)

videoQC Pro supports all the features of videoQC View, and adds a number of important features for visual analysis:

  • View RTP, RTMP, UDP, SRT, RTSP, RIST, WebRTC, WHIP, BLS, CDI, SMPTE-2110/2022, and NDI streams
  • Output via HDMI/SDI - requires an AJA, Bluefish444, Matrox, Blackmagic or USB capture device
  • Output via ST-2110 (requires optional 3rd party hardware/software)
  • Full set of scopes for analysis including:
    • Video Scopes: Waveform (YCbCr and RGB), Vectorscope, Histogram (YCbCr, RGB, Luma, and HSV), Chromaticity (601, 709, 2020)
    • Audio Scopes: Vectorscope, Phase meter, Histogram, Waveform display
    • Hue/Saturation Scope for ChromaDuMonde lighting calibration
    • Real time Status displays Video Standard and frame rate information, Y, U, V, and S Minimum/Maximum, Low/High/Average, Gamut Under/Over, Color Range/Primaries/Matrix, Transfer Function, MaxCLL/MaxFALL for HDR10 mode, Line repetition, Broadcast illegal, Frame Rate Avg/Last Ms, and Audio Peak/RMS per channel pair.
    • Graticules for video display: Action Safe, Title Safe, Graphic Safe, Picture Frame, Active Region
  • EBU, R.128 Loudness audio meters
  • Support for up to 16 channels of audio in specific video hardware, and up to 32 channels in certain IP stream types.
  • 608/708/OP-47 Closed Caption display
  • XDS [Extended Data Service] Data display [where valid data exists]
  • Hex/Decimal video per-pixel data with real time Ancillary Data display

videoQC Inspect supports the above features, and adds reporting and control features for integration into content production and delivery workflows:

  • Automated metadata generation, and comparison to a master file or template
  • Export of results to PDF
  • Video and audio metric charting
  • Audio routing
  • RS-422 Serial Control - operate under control as a VTR, or control external VTRs for ingest under control
  • File clipping and export, including wrapping or to standard broadcast formats

videoQC Workstation provides all the features available in videoQC adding automation and reporting features for media validation and delivery.

  • Compressed to original video comparison, including:
    • Over under, side by side, difference with threshold, A-B, mirror butterfly, and more
    • Flip sources, movable horizontal/vertical lines, alignment grid
    • 3D viewing including interlaced, side by side, anaglyph
    • For a full list of comparison types, see the Compare tab
  • Export of results to CSV, SQLite, and HTML
  • Single ended analysis of metadata and audio/video
  • Full Reference Analysis - PSNR, SSIM, MS-SSIM
  • HTTP remote control and monitoring
  • MediaCmd REST API control

* videoQC is offered at specific version levels to suit a range of workflows. To check which features are in each version, please see the comparison chart located at:

Up to 8K File Playback with optional SDI/HDMI output

video standards sm

videoQC provides a full featured media player, capable of playing back almost any post production or broadcast file. Play files in the GUI with the computer's audio, or to SDI/HDMI via AJA, Bluefish444 or Blackmagic hardware. During playback, time code is displayed in real time, along with audio meters. Frame accurate seeking, by time code or absolute position, along with stepping, off speed play and forward/reverse play are all available via keyboard, mouse or external controller.  Looping, palindrome and audio- or video- only playback modes are also available.

Zoom, Pan and Full Screen

vqc zoompan

Want to get a really good look at some details? Zoom and pan the video in pause or playback mode.

Using the scroll wheel of the mouse, the image can be zoomed out to cover a wider part of the screen, or zoomed in to closely check individual pixels. Left clicking and dragging will move the image to view different parts while zoomed in. Clicking the right mouse button will fill the application with video, and clicking the middle button will set the image to pixel for pixel (where every image pixel is exactly one screen pixel).  Zoom is available in windowed or full screen mode.  Changing the video background color is also available using -mouse wheel.

Time Code Display


A dedicated time code field displays the current time code location. The user may enter a known time code location within a selected clip, and press Enter to cue that frame. In Full Screen mode, an optional time code display may be overlaid. The user may select between available time code sources by clicking on the time code source field.  Copy and pasting of time code is also available by using +C and +V.

Closed Captioning

videoQC supports closed caption display. The closed caption information will be displayed over the video frame when enabled.  Supported sources include SMPTE 436, CEA-708, OP-47/RDD-08, CEA-608, MCC, AAF, SCC, STL, EBU, embedded and many other formats. See the CC section for more details.

Please note:  The CC feature is only available when running under a temporary or permanent license, Pro version and above.  Please contact Drastic for a license if you want to test this feature.

File Trim And Export

vqc makeclip

videoQC supports trimming the current clip, or clip list, and exporting it to standard file formats including:

  • MXF Sony XDCAM
  • MXF DPP (AVCi)
  • MXF OP1a (DVHD, MPEG-2, h.264, AVCi, Uncompressed)
  • MOV (DVHD, AVCi, ProRes, Uncompressed)
  • MP4 (h.264/AVC1)

The export also allows for the closed captioning or audio files to be replaced during the creation of the new file. For more details, please view this page on how to Export from videoQC.

Please note: The file clipping and export feature is only available when running under a temporary or permanent license, Inspect version and above. Please contact Drastic for a license if you want to test this feature.

Media Info

media info

All versions of videoQC show basic track info on the main display, and provide a more detailed track info pop up.  The track info includes the video parameters (width, height, bit depth, codec), the audio parameters (channels, bit size, frequency) and the basic metadata information (names, device names, aspect ratio, length, camera settings).  For the more advanced versions, a separate comparison metadata window is available, and is described under the Analysis tab.

MaxCLL and MaxFALL

vqc maxcll maxfall

When reviewing High Dynamic Range content, videoQC lets you check the MaxCLL and MaxFALL levels for HDR content delivery workflows.

Audio Levels

vqc audiosettings

In addition to audio meters, there are Audio waveform/vectorscopes, an audio routing window, and there are Peak/RMS realtime levels in the Status View of the Scopes.

Audio Meters Popup

audio meters

videoQC provides an independent set of audio meters, which is larger, and may be moved onto a second monitor so you can view videoQC in full screen mode in the first monitor.

Audio Routing

vqc audio routing

videoQC has a full 16 by 16 audio routing panel.  This allows audio signals to be routed or joined from any channel in the file to any channel on the output. Various audio routing configurations for typical workflows can be saved and recalled for later use.

Please note: Specific features mentioned above are only available when running under a temporary or permanent license. Please contact Drastic for a license to enable the full feature set for your demo.

videoQC includes two main areas of automated analysis: Metadata and Metric.

Metadata Analysis looks at the incoming file, and determines as many qualities as it can about it. This includes, but is not limited to, file container, channel type and number, frame rate, video height/width/codec/bit depth/aspect ratio/compression/color matrix, audio frequency/bit size/codec/channels/type, and embedded metadata like source/copyright/description/source device/camera settings/reel/take/scene/source/slate/comments. Any of these may be used to create a template to compare incoming files against. One or more templates may exist on a videoQC system, and they can be exported/imported and shared. As well as a go/no go return on this comparison, a visual table will highlight any differences between the file and the expected settings, for easy operator identification.

vqc auto metadata check min

Metric Analysis - videoQC can also generate a full set of video metrics.  These are stored in a SQLite database, so that other applications can access them, and do frame by frame checks including:

  • Video size, and frame type (I, P or B)
  • Luma, Chroma, Hue, Saturation Min, Max, High, Low, Average
  • Vertical line repetition
  • Broadcast legal
  • Optional PSNR or MS-SSIM charting when pre-compressed source is available
  • Audio loudness and RMS

The metric analysis can be manually or automatically started.

videoqc automated analysis min

 The parameters of the analysis can be customized, and the current setting is displayed.

event sensitivity

Adjustable parameters include:

  • Vertical Line Repitition: lines, frame duration
  • Missing Lines: lines, frame duration
  • Missing Edges: (example above) top, top maximum, top frame duration, bottom, bottom maximum, bottom frame duration, left, left maximum, left frame duration, right, right maximum, right frame duration
  • Black and White: chroma maximum, frame duration
  • Still Frames: limit, difference maximum, PSNR check Y (38.0), frame duration
  • Broadcast Illegal: broadcast illegal, frame duration
  • Over Saturation: maximum, frame duration
  • Contrast Blacks: minimum, frame duration
  • Gamut Over: maximum, frame duration
  • Gamut Under: maximum, frame duration
  • Loudness: LKFS (24.0)
  • Silence: limit, frame duration

View Data

Once the analysis has completed, you can click a button to view the data. Data tabs are maintained for: per-frame data, metadata, legend (settings/defaults), and events.

v viewdata2

Export Results

You can export the results for later review.

vqc metricsexport

You can create a CSV, PDF, an XML, or an HTML document to have a look at the analysis in various MAM solutions. There is an option to create a proxy file from the original source or a portion thereof. Results can also be exported as markers to Adobe, Avid, and Resolve.


Full Reference Comparison

videoQC Workstation lets you load two files and compare them against each other for visual examination and measurement. When a compressed file is compared to its original, typically uncompressed source file, this is referred to as a full reference comparison.

You can visually confirm degradation, or other compression artifacts by playing the two files in various comparison modes to see any obvious differences. Here is an example of the 'mirror' comparison mode.

vqc compare mirror

There are a wide variety of available comparison modes:

A Minus B with Threshold
Anaglyph Amber-Blue
Anaglyph Green-Magenta
Anaglyph Red-Blue
Anaglyph Red-Cyan
Boxes With Size
Checkerboard 3D
Difference with Threshold Modifier
Dissolve with Mix
Grid (Available in all modes)
Interlaced Eyes
Onion Skin
Over Under
Seamless Split Horizontal (Adjustable)
Seamless Split Vertical (Adjustable)
Side By Side - Same Side
Side By Side - Full Picture
Side By Side
Wipe - Barn Doors Horizontal
Wipe - Barn Doors Vertical
Wipe - Bottom Center
Wipe - Box
Wipe - Dissolve
Wipe - Four Corners
Wipe - Four Square
Wipe - Horizontal
Wipe - Left Center
Wipe - Lower Left
Wipe - Lower Right
Wipe - Right Center
Wipe - Slide Down
Wipe - Slide Left
Wipe - Slide Right
Wipe - Slide Up
Wipe - Top Center
Wipe - Upper Left
Wipe - Upper Right
Wipe - Vertical

From the compare dialog, the user can also launch PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), SSIM (Structured Similarity Indexing Method), and MS-SSIM (Multi-Scale Structured Similarity Indexing Method) analyses. Here are the steps to perform this analysis:

Open videoQC and load the compressed file.

Open the QC Analysis window and click full reference.

Open the Compare window and click the Disabled checkbox to enable Comparison mode. The checkbox will then display Enabled.

Use the Orig File button to browse to and select the full resolution source file that was used to create the deliverable content.

As described above, there are a number of visual comparison modes where you can show the two files side by side, over under, boxes mixed by size, and so on. The mixes can be adjusted to suit your workflow. Optionally a guide, or various grids may be overlaid. Flip modes are also available.

To perform PSNR, SSIM, and/or MS-SSIM analyses, click the checkbox(es) at the bottom of the Compare window and press the Launch Analysis button.

This launches the MRAnalyze exe, which performs the analysis. A percentage of completion is displayed.

Once the analysis has finished, videoQC will populate the database with the analysis data. At this point the user will be able to click on the full reference button in the QC Analysis window, and see the data in an intuitive graphical display.

Here is an example of a completed analysis:

vqc psnr ssim msssim

videoQC Pro, videoQC Inspect, videoQC Workstation, and videoQC Server all feature a full set of scopes. They can be viewed as a single large scope, or up to 6 scopes at one time. The scopes open in a second window, so a second monitor would improve the viewing experience.

The following scopes are provided:

Vectorscope - Color accurate graticules automatically switch between SD (601), HD (709) and 4K/QHD (709 or 2020) color spaces. The markers include color points (for standard bar checks) at 75% and 100% saturation. All the standard points are boxed; red, magenta, blue, cyan, green and yellow. A skin tone/flesh line is provided to allow for easy hue adjustment as well as standard diagonals.
Waveform YCbCr - Displays the levels of the Y, Cb and Cr from the left of the picture to the right of the picture with all the lines summed into one graph. The Y, or luma/luminance, graph provides accurate white and black level information, as well as the range in between. The luma waveform supports standard, HDR10 (Dolby Vision® /ST.2084) and HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma) display up to 10,000 nits.
Waveform Luma/NIT Light Level - Displays the overall intensity of the picture. Standard 601/709 levels are supported, as well as NITs display for HDR/ST 2084 and HLG signals.
Waveform YCbCr Parade - Displays the levels of the Y, Cb and Cr from the left of the picture to the right of the picture with all the lines summed into one graph. The Y, or luma/luminance, graph provides accurate white and black level information, as well as the range in between.
Waveform RGB - The RGB Waveform Monitor shows each of the red, green and blue signals as independent graphs, displaying the RGB, or chrominance/color values associated with the signal. Above is the stacked waveform, a parade waveform is also available.
Waveform RGB Parade - The RGB Waveform Monitor shows each of the red, green and blue signals as independent graphs, displaying the RGB, or chrominance/color values associated with the signal. The parade waveform is shown here, a stacked waveform is also available.
CIE XY Gamut - The CIE XY Gamut, or chromaticity, scope provides a visual representation of the color in a video across all the colors of visible light. For a particular YCbCr range (BT.2020, P3, Rec.709, CCIR-601) a triangle can be superimposed to show the colors that fall within the acceptable range and those that are outside it. The color of the video within the CIE 1931 color display can be white, black, or the chromaticity hued background.
Histogram - The Histogram shows the distribution of red, green and blue within the signal as a series of discrete bars that make a continuous graph for each color. This display provides an overview of the tonal range of each color in the picture. Each bar is the count of the number of pixels for one of the 256/1024/4096 possible colors.
Histogram YCbCr - This histogram breaks up the signal in into luma and chroma components. The top histogram represents the luma power of the various levels in the signal. The Cb and Cr histograms that follow show the power distribution for those two components. A separate RGB histogram display is also available.
H/S Scope - The H/S Scope allows easy calibration of lighting or cameras to a standard DSC ChromaDumonde chart. The target color level or saturation is calibrated to a single horizontal line in the chart. The color hue component is mapped horizontally, with standard 601, 709 or 2020 targets as vertical lines.
Data View - The Data view displays the raw pixel values being monitored on the HDMI or SDI input. Raw values are captured and displayed with no manipulation by the software. This mode is perfect for checking vertical blank signalling and metadata, as well as picture issues like inner line sync markers or out of range colors. Ancillary data may also be shown including time code, captions, and payload.
Status - The Status view presents real time data on the overall signal in terms of gamut, maximum and minimum chroma and luma, audio levels and MaxFALL/MaxCLL for HDR signals. Any issues detected by the status panel are automatically entered in the log file and window with time, type, source and reason.
Audio Phase - The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.
Audio Vector Polar - The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.
Audio Vector Lissajous - The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.
Audio Vector Lissajous XY - The audio phase meter shows the relative density of two audio channels and the relative loudness as a line moving towards the louder channel.
Audio Histogram Linear - The audio histogram displays a bar chart of the levels of the components of an audio signal.
Audio Histogram Linear Reverse Log - The audio histogram displays a bar chart of the levels of the components of an audio signal.
Audio Histogram Log - The audio histogram displays a bar chart of the levels of the components of an audio signal.
Waveform - The waveform displays the selected pair's audio as a standard wave.

The Picture view shows the video signal, to confirm the source is correct and to display time code location. Action Safe, Title Safe, Graphic Safe, Picture Frame, and Active Region graticules are optionally available. A number of display modes can be set using the Display Mode selector:

Luma - Show only the Y or brightness of the picture.
Red - Show only the red channel.
Green - Show only the green channel.
Blue - Show only the blue channel.
Zebra Luma - Draw zebra bars where the luma is too high or too low.
Zebra Chroma - Draw zebra bars where the chroma is out of range.
Clipping - Draw green anywhere the signal is too low, or red anywhere the signal is too high.
Edge Difference - Highlight every edge in the picture.
Focus Assist - Show areas of the image that are in focus.
Flip/Flop - Flip the picture horizontally or vertically.
False Color - Show each exposure level as a color. See Here for details.
Luma Key - Show the video luma keyed over a checkerboard or image.
Green Screen - Show the image green screen keyed over a checkerboard.
Green Screen Despill - Show the image green screen keyed with edge despilling over a checkerboard.

Closed Captions

vqc closedcaptions

videoQC (Pro level and above) supports detection and display of a wide range of embedded/internal closed caption formats as well as external closed caption formats and subtitle formats.  If any of these caption types are found in the same directory as the main file, with the same file name, they will automatically be loaded and displayed. An existing closed caption file can also be loaded and displayed over the video.

videoQC also supports playing XDS (extended data service) Data when closed captions are playing. XDS can provide information such as Time of Day, Program Details, Station ID, and V-Chip Content Ratings.

 Embedded Caption Formats
  • MXF SMPTE 436 and Avid embedded
  • CEA 608, CEA 708, OP-47/RDD-08
  • MPEG-2, h.264, MPEG-4, AVC1 user space
  • TS/MTS CC in separate PID
  • GXF SMPTE 360
  • LXF Leitch/Harris
  • MOV CC Tracks
 External Broadcast Caption Formats  
  • SCC Scenarist SD Captions
  • MCC MacCaption Format 708 Captions
  • AAF Avid Format 708 Captions
  • STL EBU Broadcast Captions
Subtitle Caption Formats
  • Avid Caption - txt
  • Belle Nuit - stp
  • Comma Separated - csv
  • Digital Cinema 2007/2010 - xml
  • EBU Subtitles - stl
  • Final Cut Pro - xml
  • Final Cut Pro X - xml
  • Flash - xml
  • iTunes Timed Text - txt
  • JSON (various) - json
  • QuickTime Text - txt
  • SAMI - smi
  • SoftNI - sub
  • Sony DVD Architect - sub
  • Sony DVD - txt
  • SubRip - srt
  • SubStation Alpha - ssa
  • Swift - sif
  • Timed Text - dxfp, ttml, xml
  • WebVTT - vtt
  • YouTube Annotations - xml
  • YouTube - sbv
  • YouTube Transcript - txt
XDS Data Elements
  • Program ID: #/#
  • Program Length: ##:## Elapsed: ##:##
  • Program Name: up to 33 characters
  • Program Type: 0x##
  • Content Advisory (V-Chip): MPA-Rating/USTV-Rating/CanEN-Rating/CanFR-Rating
  • Audio Services: 0x##
  • Capture Services: 0x## 0x## . . .
  • Copy and Redistribution: 0x## 0x##
  • Composite Packet1: ProgramType, ContentAdvisory, Length, Elapsed, Title
  • Composite Packet2: ProgramStart, AudioServices, CaptionServices, CallLetters, NativeChannel
  • NetworkName: network name
  • ProgramDescRow 1..8: Text description




90 Seconds With videoQC

Full videoQC demo / walkthrough

videoQC Full Reference Tutorial

videoQC Versions

The following levels are available:
  • videoQC Workstation - Full featured QC Database view/export, Generate QC data/events, with player, SDI/HDMI output, scopes
  • videoQC Inspect - QC Database view/export with player, SDI/HDMI output, scopes
  • videoQC Pro - SDI/HDMI output plus real time scopes, with player
  • videoQC View - A player designed for front end, visual confirmation
View a feature by feature comparison of the different versions of  videoQC: Feature Comparison Chart

Recommended Hardware Environment

- Matrox: ST 2110 Network Adapters
- AJA: Kona IP
- Mellanox NVIDIA Bluefield-2 or Connect-X 6: (requires a valid Rivermax license)

HD 1080p60
- A recent Intel, AMD or NVIDIA with at least 1G memory card is fine for the GPU
- A recent Quad Core i5/i7/AMD processor with at least 8G of ram

- A gaming level NVIDIA or AMD (NVIDIA 1080 or better/AMD Vega 2 or better)
- Minimum 8 cores [16 virtual] Intel/AMD, recommended 8~12 cores with at least 8G ram

SDK and APIs

videoQC Server can be run remotely, by script or using watch folders.  videoQC also supports copy/cut/paste, keyboard/mouse and a full RESTful HTTP API.  There is more information available on these control systems available here:

and a sample web page that uses the REST API is included in the installer:

videoQC HTML remote UI

The analysis results are output as a standard SQLite database, PDF, and application return.

videoQC on a workstation can be loaded by command line/script, controlled by video keyboard or remote control, and cut/paste time code and can save uncompressed images as well as JPG grabs of the video.  The workstation version also supports the REST API.

videoQC is also based on the DTMediaRead API, available to third party developers:

  • DTMediaRead SDK - Integrate all the file types we read into your own application.  Read uncompressed audio and compressed or uncompressed YCbCr 10, YCbCr 10, RGBA or RGB 10 frames.  More information is available here.

File Formats

file formats

Extension File Format Codec Read Export MRWS
Export videoQC
3GP 3GP 26x h 264, 263, 261 MRWS videoQC    
4224 4224 YCbCr 4:2:2:4 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
AIFF Apple audio 16/20/24/32 bit stereo pairs MRWS videoQC MRWS  
ARC IFX Piranha Audio/Video (YCbCr/RGB 8 only) MRWS videoQC    
ARI ARRI Raw 12 bit bayer MRWS videoQC    
Audio: BWF, 
Audio files 44.1/48/96 kHz 16, 20, 24 and 32 bit MRWS videoQC    
AVC, AVCHD, MTS AVC-HD MPEG-2 camera media MRWS videoQC    
AVI QuickTime HQX MRWS videoQC    
AVI Windows DVSD, DV25, DV50, DVHD, CineForm*, CineForm3D*, YCbCr 8 & 10 SD/HD, standard codecs MRWS videoQC MRWS  
AVS AVS Video redirection (Windows only) MRWS videoQC    
BRAW Blackmagic BRAW BRAW 12 bit, 3:1, 5:1, 8:1 and 12:1 MRWS videoQC    
CDX Codex Codex raw bayer stills MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
CINE Phantom Phantom 10, 12 and 14 bit bayer MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
CRW Canon Canon camera raw stream MRWS videoQC    
DASH h.264 DASH Fragmented MP4 and Smooth Streaming MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
DNG CinemaDNG 10, 12 and 16 bit bayer MRWS videoQC MRWS  
DPX Cineon RGB 8, RGB 10, YCbCr 4:2:2 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
DPX Cineon 10 bit MRWS videoQC MRWS  
DPX CineForm CineForm*, CineForm3D* MRWS videoQC MRWS  
DT3D DT3D XML 3D redirector MRWS videoQC    
DV/DIF DV/DIF Raw DV files MRWS videoQC    
DVS DVS Uncompressed YCbCr and RGB files MRWS videoQC    
EXR OpenEXR High dynamic range float stills MRWS videoQC    
fhgDI, fhgDP, fhgAP fhgDI, fhgDP, fhgAP Weisscam digimag format MRWS videoQC    
FLM FLM Adobe FilmStrip MRWS videoQC    
FTIDX Index file HAC partial file restore for Pinnacle FT MPEG-ES I-frame only files MRWS videoQC    
GEN GEN 4:2:2 YCbCr (Avid DSHD) MRWS videoQC MRWS  
GV XML/N0/T/I/A Grass Valley disk record native (K2) MRWS videoQC    
GXF GXF SMPTE 360 MPEG-2, DV25, DV50, DVHD MRWS videoQC    
H264 h.264 4:2:0 SD/HD up to 80 mbits/sec MRWS videoQC    
HDR YUV DV25, DV50, DVHD, AVCi100, RGB, Uncompressed YCbCr 8 & 10 SD/HD MRWS videoQC MRWS  
HDV HDV MPEG-2 camera files MRWS videoQC    
HLS h.264 HLS TS MultiRate MRWS videoQC MRWS  
IHSS Iridas RGB MRWS videoQC    
ISMV ISMA Smooth Streaming h.264, AAC, WMV MRWS videoQC    
JP2 JPEG-2000 Series of JPEG-2000 stills MRWS videoQC MRWS  
JS Jaleo/Mistika Sgo native 4:2:2 YCbCr MRWS videoQC MRWS  
KRW Kinefinity KineRAW Compressed Raw Stills and Stream MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
LUMA RMY BMY LUMA RMY BMY Uncompressed YCbCr MRWS videoQC    
LXF Leitch/Harris DVSD, DV25, DV50, DVHD, AVCi50, AVCi100, MPEG-2, h.264 MRWS videoQC    
M3U8 HLS h264, h265, TS or MP4 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MKV MKV Matroska audio video, VPx, h.26x MRWS videoQC    
MLV Magic Lantern Raw 14 bit bayer with PCM audio MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
MOV QuickTime DVSD, DV25, DV50, DVHD, CineForm*, CineForm3D*, RGBA, RGB-10 (DPX), standard codecs MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
MRWS videoQC
MOV QuickTime DNxHD/HR 36/145/220* MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
MOV QuickTime HQX MRWS videoQC    
MOV QuickTime YCbCr 8 & 10 SD/HD MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
MOV QuickTime

(FFMPEG) ProRes (ProRes, ProRes LT, ProRes HQ, ProRes Proxy),


LiteAdobe videoQC
MRWS videoQC
MOV Reference File MOV reference file pointing at h264, ProRes, DV MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
MP1/MP2/MP3 MP1/MP2/MP3 MPEG audio MRWS videoQC    
MP4 AVC1, h.264 Apple h.264, h.264 AVC MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
MRWS videoQC
MP4 HEVC, h.265 HEVC/265 MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
LiteAdobe videoQC
MP4 MPEG-2 Sony/Canon camera MRWS videoQC    
MPEG MPEG-1 4:2:0 up to 15 mbits/sec MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MPEG MPEG-2 4:2:0/4:2:2 SD/HD up to 80 mbits/sec MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
MPEG MPEG-4 4:2:0 up to 50 mbits/sec MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MTS, M2TS M2TS AVC-HD camera files MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF AMT3 Avid Interplay/ISIS/Media Central   MRWS  
MXF AS-02 AVCi, DNxHD*, DVHD MRWS videoQC    
MXF AS-02 JPEG-2000, MPEG-2 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF AS-11 DPP UK AVCi100, IMX 50 MRWS videoQC MRWS videoQC
MXF Avid DV25, DV50, DVHD, Uncompressed MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF Avid Native DNxHD 36/145/220 (licensable) MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF Canon MPEG-2 MRWS videoQC    
MXF Digital Cinema DCI JPEG-2000 Unencrypted, Uncompressed Audio MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF EditCam DV25, DV50, DVHD, DNxHD (licensable) MRWS videoQC    
MXF Grass Valley Grass Valley iCR MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF Harmonic MPEG-2 MRWS videoQC    
MXF h.264/AVC MPEG-2 MRWS videoQC    
MXF IMF IMF JPEG-2000 YCbCr, Uncompressed Audio MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF JPEG-2000 Grass Valley Infinity MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF OP1a AmberFin, EVS, MainConcept, MOG, OpenCube, Rovi MRWS videoQC    
MXF OP1a/Omneon DV25, DV50, DVHD, AVCi100, Uncompressed MRWS videoQC MRWS videoQC
MXF OP1a YCbCr 8 bit MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF OP1b Panasonic AVCi 4K MRWS videoQC    
MXF Panasonic-P2 DV25, DV50, DVHD, AVCi100 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF Pinnacle MPEG-2 SD/HD MRWS videoQC    
MXF Snell & Wilcox MPEG-2, IMX MRWS videoQC    
MXF Sony XDCamHD, XDCamEX 4:2:0/4:2:2 MRWS videoQC MRWS videoQC
MXF Sony HDCam SR 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
MXF Sony F65 raw bayer MRWS videoQC    
MXF Sony F5, F700 raw bayer MRWS videoQC    
MXF XAVC XAVC HD and 4K MRWS videoQC    
MXFIDX Index file HAC partial file restore for MXF MRWS videoQC    
OGG OGG OGG audio video MRWS videoQC    
OMF OMF DV25, JPEG, Meridien, AVBV, CamCutter MRWS videoQC MRWS  
OMV OMV Uncompressed capture format MRWS videoQC    
QNT Quantel Raw uncompressed YCbCr images MRWS videoQC MRWS  
R3D RED Red camera files MRWS videoQC    
RAW ML/IOI Magic Lantern RAW, IOIndustries RAW bayer MRWS videoQC    
RBG RED BLU GRN Uncompressed RGB MRWS videoQC    
RMF RMF Canon C500 raw 10 bit bayer files MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
RTIN RTINDEX Real time replay of CBR and VBR records while still recording MRWS videoQC    
RTV RTV Uncompressed Video Toaster files (Windows only) MRWS videoQC    
SEQ Bayer Raw camera seq bayer files MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
SIV Bayer Raw camera siv bayer files MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
Stills Series of stills BMP, SGI, PSD, YUV10, YUV16, VSR, RAS, RAW, JP2, JPG - Series of stills (many others) MRWS videoQC    
STREAM Various Web assets on S3, http, or https storage, in the formats supported by the product licensed MRWS LiteAvid LiteAdobe videoQC    
TGA Targa RGB, RGBA (RLE Play Only) MRWS videoQC MRWS  
TR-01 TS J2K JPEG-2000, AES3 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
TS Transport stream MPEG-2, h.264, h.265/HEVC, JPEG-2000, AAC, AC-3, AES3 MRWS videoQC MRWS  
V210 V210 4:2:2 10 bit YCbCr image sequence MRWS videoQC MRWS  
VC1 VC-1 WMV of raw wrapper MRWS videoQC    
VOB VOB Unencrypted MRWS videoQC    
VPB/QTL Quantel Quantel uncompressed YCbCr images MRWS videoQC    
VRW Varicam Raw Panasonic Varicam Raw MRWS
LiteAdobe videoQC
WAV Wave audio 16/20/24/32 bit mono/stereo pairs/extensible MRWS videoQC MRWS  
WEBM WEBM Youtube format MRWS videoQC    
WMV/ASF WMV/ASF Unencrypted/DRM Free only MRWS videoQC    
XAVC X-AVC HD/4K X-AVC 264 in MXF MRWS videoQC    
Y4M Y4M YCbCr raw stream MRWS videoQC    
YUV YUV 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 YCbCr image sequence MRWS videoQC MRWS  
Y U V YUV Multi file component YCbCr files MRWS videoQC    


  • Support is Windows + macOS unless otherwise indicated 
  • MRWS = MediaReactor Workstation, LiteAvid = MediaReactor Lite for Avid, LiteAdobe = MediaReactor Lite for Adobe
  • CineForm and Avid DNxHD file formats requires an optional license.
  • If the MediaReactor Workstation trial is installed on macOS, you will have to re-install the CSP to get those formats back after the trial.  In Windows the CSP and trial can co-exist.
  • MediaReactor Workstation for Autodesk is read-only, and does not provide additional write formats

Download videoQC 7.0

End User License Agreement:  International  Canadian

Available for Windows (7 or greater), Linux (CentOS/Red Hat 7.4-7.8), or macOS (macOS 13 Ventura - macOS 14 Sonoma).

Note: ST-2110 support requires one of the following environments: Matrox ST 2110 Network Adapters, AJA Kona IP, or Mellanox NVIDIA Bluefield-2 (+ Rivermax license) hardware.

To ensure optimal hardware support, please make sure your drivers are up to date:

Blackmagic Design drivers (12.x)

AJA drivers (16.x) [UVC/U-Tap drivers are in OS]
(note: 17.x drivers are not currently compatible with our software)

Bluefish444 drivers (


videoQC installs in demo mode, with limited functionality. To unlock the full feature set of the software you will need at least a temp license. Please generate a site code and send it to us at: We will send back a site key which will remove the demo limitations. Prior to purchase, the key will be temporary. There is more detailed information on the licensing process here:
Download the manual:  videoQC version 7 manual
Download the API docs:  videoQC REST API
Contour Designs Shuttle Window:  Shuttle Pro, Pro2, Xpress
Contour Designs Shuttle Pro2 macOS:  Shuttle Pro2

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Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and Copyrights

Adobe, Inc. - Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Creative Cloud,, and Iridas are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries.
AJA Video Systems, Inc. - AJA® is a registered trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. AJA™ is a trademark of AJA Video Systems, Inc. Corvid Ultra®, KONA®, IO®, KUMO®, U-Tap®, and T-Tap® are registered trademarks of AJA Video Systems, Inc.
Amberfin Limited - AMBERFIN is a trademark of Amberfin Limited.
Apple Inc. - Apple, the Apple logo, Final Cut, Final Cut Pro, Apple TV, iOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, iTunes, Mac, Mac OS X, macOS, Shake, Final Cut Pro, ProRes, High Sierra, Mojave, M1, M2, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
ARRI AG – ARRI, Arri T-Link, and Alexa are registered trademarks of the ARRI Group
Avid Technology, Inc. - Avid Media Composer®, Avid MediaCentral®, Avid Interplay®, and Avid NewsCutter® are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
Belle Nuit Montage - Matthias Bürcher August 2000-2016. All rights reserved. Written in Switzerland. Starting 2016 Belle Nuit Subtitler is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License
Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. - DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Fusion, UltraStudio, DeckLink, Intensity Pro 4K, UltraScope, and RED are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
Bluefish Technologies - Bluefish444, IngeSTore, Symmetry, Kronos, Epoch, Epoch:Neutron, Fury, Lust, Vengeance HD, Deepblue, Envy SD, and Epoch:SuperNova are trademarks of Bluefish Technologies
Corel Corporation - Pinnacle is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation
Drastic Technologies, Ltd. – trademarks specified here.
DSC Labs - DSC Labs' CamBook, CamAlign, and ChromaDuMonde charts are trademarks or registered trademarks of DSC Labs
Eastman Kodak Company - Cineon™ is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company
EVS Broadcast Equipment - EVS is a registered trademark of EVS Broadcast Equipment
Google LLC – YouTube, Google, Google Cloud,, and Android are registered trademarks of Google LLC
GoPro, Inc. - Cineform® is a trademark or registered trademark of GoPro, Inc.
Grass Valley USA, LLC - Grass Valley®, GV®, the Grass Valley logo, and EDIUS® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Grass Valley USA, LLC, or its affiliated companies in the United States and other jurisdictions.
Harris Corporation - Harris, and Leitch Technology Corp. are registered trademarks of Harris Corporation
Interactive Effects, Inc. - Piranha is a registered trademark of Interactive Effects, Inc.
Kinefinity Inc. - KINEFINITY is a trademark of Kinefinity Inc.
Magic Lantern - Magic Lantern is a registered trademark of Magic Lantern
Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd - Matrox and Matrox product names are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd.
Microsoft Corporation – Microsoft: Windows®, Video For Windows (VFW), DirectShow, Microsoft, Skype, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Teams, Wave Mapper, Microsoft, Windows NT|2000|XP|XP Professional|Server 2003|Server 2008 |Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Media Player, Media Encoder, Windows Defender, Microsoft Office, .Net, Internet Explorer, SQL Server 2005|2008|2012|2014, Windows Media Technologies and Internet Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
NewTek, Inc. - NDI, TriCaster, 3Play, TalkShow, Video Toaster, LightWave 3D, and Broadcast Minds are registered trademarks of NewTek, Inc.
NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, NVIDIA Quadro, Rivermax, BlueField2, PhysX, and NVIDIA RTX are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries
Panasonic Holdings Co., Ltd - Panasonic, and Varicam are trademarks of Panasonic Holdings Co., Ltd
Red Hat, Inc. - Red Hat, and the Red Hat logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries
Snell & Wilcox Limited - SNELL & WILCOX, and Quantel are trademarks owned by Snell & Wilcox Limited
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - SMPTE is a trademark of Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
SoftNI Corporation – SoftNI is a trademark of SoftNI Corporation
Sony Corporation – Sony, Sony DVD Architect, DVD, Catalyst, and Vegas are trademarks of Sony Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Truevision, Inc - TARGA is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc
Vision Research, Inc - PHANTOM is a trademark of Vision Research, Inc
Weisscam GmbH - Weisscam is a trademark and brand of Weisscam GmbH
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



For more than two decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

We offer standalone software for the end user or enterprise, integrated solutions for automated workflows, and OEM tools for custom applications or branded devices.

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