Drastic Adds Application Specific MediaReactor Workstation Versions

Drastic Technologies releases four cost effective application-targeted versions of its MediaReactor Workstation. In addition to the full (and full-priced) version, a separate install for each of Assimilate, Avid, Adobe or Apple is made available, with lower price points.

Toronto, ON. November 30, 2012 – Drastic Technologies is proud to offer four cost effective application-targeted versions of its MediaReactor Workstation. While MediaReactor Workstation is still available as an all in one install, these new versions provide a lower priced product for workstations dedicated to one application. The new versions are available for Assimilate, Avid, Adobe or Apple production work flows:


Assimilate: Scratch, Scratch Lab


Avid: Media Composer 5.5, 6.x, NewsCutter, Symphony


Adobe: CS5, CS5.5 & CS6.x Premiere, Media Encoder, After Effects (via QuickTime)


Apple: Final Cut Pro 7/Suite 3, Motion, Compressor


Each version includes the incredibly wide range of file support offered by MediaReactor Workstation. The only limitation is the application it runs within. Files which would have required a transcoding or importing step become instantly available, saving time and increasing the performance of even older editing solutions.


James Brooks, CTO at Drastic, says, “Our experience with MediaReactor, MediaReactor Workstation and our OEM clients has allowed us to create the most well rounded media access solution in the industry”. He further states, “We continue to offer inter-format and non-proprietary solutions to these clients, making their work flow less complicated and removing barriers to efficient use of their media assets.”


Pricing and supported operating systems:


• Assimilate Scratch/Lab - $495.00 US (Windows and OS-X)

• Avid 5.5-6.5 32/64 - $495.00 US (Windows and OS-X)

• Adobe CS5-CS6.5 32/64 - $495.00 US (Windows and OS-X)

• Apple FCP/QuickTime - $295.00 US (OS-X only)


About Drastic Technologies


Drastic Technologies is a leading edge developer of digital video solutions for the broadcast, sports playback, production, graphics and scientific communities. Drastic products include standalone software, SDKs, and digital disk recorders for clip control, VTR emulation, external device control, digital media playback and file conversion.


For info or demo, visit: mediareactorws.com

Contact: Corey Cousineau, Sales Support Coordinator

Phone: 416.255.5636

Fax: 416.255.8780

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For more than three decades, Drastic™ has been developing cutting edge digital video solutions for television, post production and sports broadcasting, from real time web delivery to 8K broadcast.

We offer standalone software for the end user or enterprise, integrated solutions for automated workflows, and OEM tools for custom applications or branded devices.

Contact Us

523 The Queensway, Suite 201
Toronto, ON
M8Y 1J7, Canada

Phone: +1 (416) 255 5636

Email: sales@drastictech.com

Fax: + 1 (416) 255 8780

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