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Drastic Technologies at IBC2022

Drastic Technologies at IBC2022

IBC2022 September 9 - 12, 2022

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Drastic Technologies will be returning to the IBC2022 show this September. We will be showing at the eMAM and  NVIDIA/Dell booths.

Our newest offerings and updates include:

- FlowCaster Software 2110 IP Streaming with Rivermax
- Improved MAM integration with Net-X-Convert and MediaReactor
- Advanced Edit while Record workflows for Avid and Adobe
- Improved online group review and approval with
- Advanced Media scanning of local, network and S3 buckets with Media File Scanner

Here is where to find us:

eMAM booth -
Demonstrating Net-X-Code, Net-X-Convert and MediaReactor integration

NVIDIA/Dell booth -
13.L104, 7.B19
Demonstrating FlowCaster 2110 with Rivermax
Will you be attending the show? Are you interested in what Drastic Technologies can do to enhance your workflow? Please contact us for show demonstrations and meetings via email at:

Also, be sure to check out the FlowCaster Live Review Panel, which allows for realtime, collabrative video display inside Adobe Premiere.

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It is available through Adobe Exchange, at:

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